Investigating the Factors Affecting the Development of Cultural Tourism Entrepre

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    • 2024-09-07 at 09:23 #1262

       The phenomenon of tourism, due to its unique characteristics, is a very good starting point for entrepreneurs; however, the topic of tourism entrepreneurship has been less addressed and models of Entrepreneurship Development in tourism have been scarcely studied. This is of particular importance for different types of tourism, especially Cultural Tourism, which is one of the longest and most extensive forms of tourism. In order to develop a Cultural Tourism development model, one must first identify the factors that influence tourism Entrepreneurship Development and examine their relationships. The statistical population of this study, which aimed to investigate the factors affecting Cultural Tourism entrepreneurship and the severity of the relationship between these factors, was the owners and practitioners of tourism business, academic elite and public and private tourism activists in Yazd World Heritage. In the first stage, through the study of theoretical literature and in-depth study of sources, semi-structured interviews with experts and the process of data base theory, the factors and factors affecting Entrepreneurship Development are identified and in the second stage, to investigate the causal relationships and the severity of their relationships, Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (FCM) method is used. According to the research done, three behavioral, structural and environmental factors and conditions have influenced the development of Cultural Tourism entrepreneurship. and the behavioral factor has the highest intensity with the variable of Cultural Tourism Entrepreneurship Development. In addition, it was found that each of these factors is related to each other and can influence each other and thus affect the variable of Cultural Tourism Entrepreneurship Development.

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