Feria de las artes de Vilafamés

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    • 2024-03-02 at 15:12 #579

      The festival site was full of businesses and shops that offered gastronomic products, decorative items, jewellery, fashion and many other fields that were visited by hundreds of people throughout the weekend. On Saturday afternoon there was time to enjoy the live performance of the Rebelodic group, while Sunday morning was dedicated to boys and girls with a theatrical show and throughout the day there were various musical performances with music groups traditional and other performances aimed at children and audiences of all ages with a humorous performance.
      Another aspect to highlight is that Vilafamés is considered one of the most beautiful inland towns in the Valencian Community and in Spain, which is why it has a special attraction that generates many visits throughout the year.

      The main challenge of this event is to make the residents of Vilafamés and especially the youngest, and also all visitors, aware of a local product from different fields such as ceramics, crafts, fashion, jewellery and culture, as well as gastronomy. .
      The challenge is to give visibility to the town, boost its economy and cultural aspect and also promote integration between visitors and residents
      Generate visibility to the municipality of Vilafamés, an inland tourist destination, but also an important industrial site in its municipal area linked to the ceramic tiles sector. Generate popular culture linked to local craft, ceramic and gastronomic products. Stimulate the economy of the municipality both of the participants directly in the fair and in the rest of the businesses.

      It has been prepared with 40 traditional scenes spread throughout the historic and artistic center, considered an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC) for its valuable architectural component. Among its red stone and winding streets, scenes and settings will be revived, such as demonstrations of traditional games, folk dances, it will be possible to contemplate and buy different handicraft products, textiles, jewelry, macramé, ceramics, decoration and illustration, as well as taste the rich gastronomy of the Vilafamés area.
      Implementing Vilafamés Fair of Arts require resources such as time, infrastructure, and personnel, especially the promoters. Cultural rural tourism is a development tool for many rural and isolated areas to supplement traditional industries often in decline. El presupuesto para esta Feria corre a cargo de la corporación municipal de Vilafamés, la Diputación de Castellón y la Plataforma per la Llengua. La organización del evento corre a cargo de la empresa “Massa pa la Carabassa”
      The main benefits and contributions of this Fair of the Arts, are to value local products from different fields, such as ceramics, textiles, fashion, toys, illustrations and even live music shows, among many other types of products. available. The cultural value is accompanied by the economic interest of the companies that participate by exposing their products, which generates a significant benefit for visitors due to the high participation of businesses and the wide catalog of products that they can purchase. Also economically, the rest of the local commerce, restaurants, bars and cafeterias, and places of accommodation are energized. All of this will make it possible to introduce its visitors to the gastronomy, natural, cultural and tourist resources of the area, generating important sources of income for its residents.
      The main risks are that, due to climatic reasons, the contest cannot be carried out in whole or in part, that they do not receive external financing for their organization. Also, the economic effects that your cancellation may have on other activities in the city and its surroundings, due to cancellation of meals, accommodation, local commerce, etc.
      The transferability of the Fira de les Arts (Arts Fair) from Vilafamés to other locations in Europe depends on the availability of resources and investment. The fair is carried out at a contained cost and the city of Vilafamés has benefited from subsidies and investments from the local and provincial governments and from other public and private institutions. Other cities in Europe may not have access to the same level of resources, although some governments are increasingly providing funding for projects of this nature.
      In general, the transferability potential of the Vilafamés Arts Fair to other cities in Europe is high, provided the necessary resources and investment are available. In addition, the collaborative and participatory approach of its inhabitants with visitors, adopted in Vilafamés could be successfully replicated in other cities in Europe, to ensure that the projects are successful.

      La Fira de les Arts regresa a Vilafamés por Navidad

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      Crafts and live music in the third edition of the Fira de les Arts de Vilafamés
      The arrival of Christmas means that Vilafamés organizes, for the third consecutive year, the Fira de les Arts. On the weekend of December 17 and 18, the Plaza de la Tanca in Vilafamés hosts this event in which dozens of stalls selling ceramics, textiles, fashion, toys, illustrations and more fields of artisan manufacturing come together to offer a wide catalog of articles for the visitors. The organization, hand in hand with ‘Massa pa la Carabassa’, has received the support of the Vilafamés City Council and the Castellón Provincial Council for the celebration of this event.
      Apart from the different business and artisan sales points, a very active live music program has been prepared during the weekend. The opening of the Fira will be on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. with a batucada. The DJ The Funky Corner will liven up the morning with ska, funk and reggae music until lunchtime. The Rebelodic group will take center stage in the afternoon with their live concert at 6:00 p.m.
      Regarding Sunday, the artist Rosabel Contaclown will lead a children’s makeup activity at 11 am, a space that will be followed by a children’s entertainment event for the boys and girls present. DJ Keyzz will be in charge of entertaining with his music during midday, while in the afternoon comedian Victor Malasombra will offer his monologue show to close the cycle of activities at the Fira.

    • 2024-05-21 at 08:18 #1107

      Hhe disfrutado enormemente de mi visita a la Fira de les Arts en Vilafamés. Es realmente una experiencia única que vale la pena descubrir.
      Lo que más me ha impresionado es la gran variedad de productos artesanales y de diseño local que se pueden encontrar en los puestos. Desde joyas y cerámicas hasta textiles y objetos de decoración, todo refleja la riqueza cultural y creativa de esta zona.
      Me ha parecido fascinante poder conversar con los propios artesanos y artistas, que con gran entusiasmo comparten la historia y los procesos detrás de sus creaciones. Es una oportunidad increíble para conocer de primera mano el talento y la dedicación que hay tras cada pieza.
      Pero la Fira no se limita solo a la artesanía, sino que también ofrece una excelente selección de productos gastronómicos. He podido degustar platos típicos de la cocina tradicional de Vilafamés, hecho con ingredientes de máxima calidad y con un sabor excepcional.
      Más allá de los puestos, he disfrutado mucho de los espectáculos y actuaciones en vivo. Los conciertos de música folclórica y las representaciones teatrales tienen un encanto especial que te trasladan a la esencia de la cultura local.
      En general, he quedado fascinado por la capacidad de esta Fira para reunir y poner en valor todo lo mejor de Vilafamés. Es una celebración vibrante y auténtica que invita a sumergirse en las tradiciones y el estilo de vida de esta preciosa localidad. Sin duda, volveré a visitar la Fira de les Arts en futuros viajes.

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